Have you ever wonder why university's buddies will always remain as friends? And have you ever think why we always need each other?
Because we shared the same joy during BBQ night and laughing for candid picture.
Because we ate a lot during our last grand meeting/gathering, on pre graduation night.
Because we have same instict in dressing.
Because we always have each other in every tests and quizzes.
Because we love wearing baju kurung and attending PPKP on weekend. -__-
Because we love last minute study
Because we shared the victory during society's family day
Because we slept together during the lecture
Because we ate a lot during our last grand meeting/gathering, on pre graduation night.
Because we have same instict in dressing.
Because we always have each other in every tests and quizzes.
Because we love wearing baju kurung and attending PPKP on weekend. -__-
Because we love last minute study
Because we shared the victory during society's family day
Because we slept together during the lecture
Because I know, no matter how hard it is for us to fulfil our dream in becoming a licenced pharmacist, we will always have each others' back. I will always have you guys. Thanks for showing me what true-crazy-wacky friends are.
Don't mind me, because I'm just missing you guys my lovely FDB Pharmacist.