Alya Qistina

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy birthday, Mama.

My mom's getting older. Haha.

Nooo, people will call me ungrateful daughter then. I mean, my mom's birthday was on last 10th November and everybody's celebrated her.

She was just so lucky! (I'd pray to inherit that luck!)

You see, my big bro gave her a bedside lamp. That's so sweet. My bro might thought that my mum needs so much rest and that lamp might helps her sleep tight and will keep her company throughout the night then. It makes perfectly sense, does it?


And my lil brother gave her cake and I don't know what he presented my mum. But she told me that she was so happy and she was having such great time.

I called her on her birthday and I asked her what she wanted for her birthday so like spontaneously, she said she wanted clothes. Hahaha, demand!

I told her that I actually planning to get her a handbag. But she had to wait for my next salary. And yes, as expected, some nagging came out from her mouth. Haha.

I told her that I miss her so much. She replied, "OK".

OK? OK? Didn't she missed me?

Hahaha. Well, I'll give her everything that she wants. Because she's my only woman. Who else should I give my everything to if it's not my mum?

Happy birthday, Mama. :)

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