Alya Qistina

Friday, May 20, 2011


I once told my boyfriend, I wanna stay befriend with him, because I love being treated by him as a real close friend, where we can always tease each other with no condition, throwing harsh word to each other with no hard feeling.

And I told him, I want him to stay with me as my close bond elder brother, where he cares for me, advises and scolds me in a right way.

And sometimes being my younger brother who always wanting me to pamper him and ask for an advice from me, sharing any news or stories with me.

I definitely want him to always be my boyfriend and stay with me forevermore. I told him, I wanna see my babies with him. See, I'm too serious in a relationship. Hesh.

Dear, because I love you and I want you to be my everything. :)

This my fav pic comes with a message that I miss you.