When I was in my diploma years, my ex housemate cum my ex classmate had this magic box that had almost everything inside. It was her own First Aid Kit! It was really wow because she was like a real pharmacy, I mean like, whoever got sick or ill or fever or something, they would looked for her for some medications.
Great much, huh? Haha.
She was really cool cause I saw she made one for her boyfriend. Oh we were so young and in love, what do you guys expect? Hehe.
So started from that, I realized that everybody should have at least their own spare medications too. I mean, it's a basic need in life and whoever on this green earth will get a chance of falling sick, right?
So I dragged Dilah (my best partner ever) to help me created my own First Aid Kit!
And it's like a habit of mine of keeping at least a strip of Panadol in my handbag wherever I go now.
So, I thought of upgrade my very old First Aid Kit and I have a new one now! Sooo excited to travel, huh? Haha.
So I made a list......
Very bad handwriting ever. The lists were made according to my common illness; period pain, UTI for sure, and who knows the environment there can be so dirty and water supply might has too much chlorine inside, so I prepared for some diarrhea attack too! Ha Ha Ha.
Laugh at me now. Paranoid everrrr.
Important meds for travelling; sore throat, fever, cold, allergic, diarrhea and muscle cramp.
Two packs; one for external drugs and one for internal drugs. Okay, I knowww, too much. Haha.
But one thing, don't be too depending on medications. Use them if and only if you can't really bear with the pain anymore. Eg:
1) Exam's tomorrow, period pain today - should take.
2) Light headache, take Panadol - not necessary - try another alternatives first like taking bath and sleep.
3) Can't sleep, take medication that can cause drowsiness - crazy thing ever.