Alya Qistina

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sweet speeches!

One week after leaving Tawakkal. I received loads of phone calls from my ex colleagues everyday (Obviously, I picked up with a sleepy voice and they said, "Hoi, still sleeping?"). Everyone was asking when I would came to Tawakkal ever again. 

Guys, please. Don't miss me this much! At least, do give me some space to sleep. Hahaha.
To my colleagues, Nurul Zamri, Iqa Atiqah, Wahyuni Riandi, Iffni Suraya, I miss you too! A lot! Whole-heartedly! But please, I'm still a teenager and waking up late is still my hobby. Hehe.

You know what Tawakkal team has given me? 


Oh Lord, I'm so gonna faint! Never thought they would give me something so special like this. I mean, I went there for only 1 year, that's just only a short period of time. Thank you guys. God bless you. 

"Qistina.. I'm gonna miss you! Like hell. I mean seriously in hell. See u in heaven! Kalau kau masuk"- Shuk

"All the best bro"-Nas

"Qis, PopLook pass kat I ok. Hehe. Tc tau"-Sherry

Guys, please. Hahaha.

Still, I'm so going to miss you all. Seriously. I mean, seriously like hell. See you in heaven! Btw, I'm Shuk's alter ego. Kbye.

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